So if you haven't noticed much, I have been trying to give my posts as much purpose, [or at least a topic], that I can. It's kind of hard for me since I don't put out too many posts, but it's practically whatever. I don't really care much, as long as I post. I'd like to post everyday, but I think that's a little too much, and I also don't think I can think of that many things to "blog" about. Anyways, for today's post, I'd like to talk about school shizz! :o

I go to an Academic school, which in my case means that I cannot get more than 2 F's on my semester grades, [added together], and not get kicked out of the school with no means of returning, no matter how much I want to. I'll not say anything on my situation, but just know that I am pissed off out of my mind at a certain teacher. No names, no hints, but those who know me, (probably) know who I'm talking about. I rant about that teacher all the time, and call that teacher a different name on purpose. :D [I'm secretly hoping that the mispronouncing will catch on, and soon that will be what everybody in the school calls that teacher, if that teacher stays around any longer that is. >:3 ] Moving on, I just found out that I was passing that class today, and would have done some backflips, that is if I wasn't so scared that I would break my neck by doing one. [I usually jump backwards head first, and wimp out at the last second, turning my body so that I fall onto my hands and knees somehow. I'm a wimp. I know this.]
I think I lost track of what I was attempting to do here.. So, I'll be back later then. Bye. ^^ ♥
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