Places to go...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hell Girl. ♥

Hello everybody! :D It's my spring break, which means I have no reason to not put up a crazy amount of posts. ^^ Anyways, I am now addicted to this anime Hell Girl. I was already a fan of it whenever it came on IFC late at night, but now since I've found it on the internet, I've gone Hell Girl crazy. :3 Anyways I'll show you guys my favorite characters, which is only two.

First one up: Ren Ichimoku.
Role: one of Ai's friends
Job: finds out information by going undercover and following the ones with the revenge doll.
Reason I like him: He's super hot, and his sarcastic ways.

Second one up: Ai Enma
Role: the Hell Girl
Job: helps others exact revenge on their tormentors by ferrying them to hell
Reason I like her: she's super cool, and her hairstyle is amazing, her eyes are beast, & her kimono.

Well now you know that I'm obsessed, and who I'm obsessed with. But anyways, I am also working on my drawing skills, more specifically full-body, eyes, and hair. Wish me luck, and I hope I'll be able to show you all my progress and such and such.. :] Much love, tootles.

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