[From left to right: the victim, the culprit]
I am super in love with my new webcam. I keep taking all of these pictures, but since my face usually looks weird and/or awkward, I have to delete a majority of them. Don't worry my friends, I'm going to be working on getting rid of my gross faces over the break, and even into the new year. Senior Me will be the epitome of non-ugly-and-actually-kinda-hot-and/or-cute faces. :] I promise.
Anyways, the meaning of my post's title comes from the almighty Lights, the second greatest person on the planet to me. [First is Amber~] Lights makes fantasmic music, and it's really fun to sing along to when you're home alone and nobody can hear your terrible singing voice. Okay sure, that might be a personal thing, but her songs are great. Dev is also fun to sing to, but that's more of a "hard-core-wannabe-sexy" time for me.. >.>
Don't act like you've never done it.
Love life:
J eats at Denny's. F likes epic rap battles. Both think I'm cute. Both are officially mental in the head.
That is all my darlings~ Sprite can out!
you're too cool.