Places to go...

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Swagg me out and throw me a biscuit.

How ya'll doing tonight? ... Oh that's nice, keep it up~
Oh, me? I'm doing terrible. -___-

Still without a job over here. Target is mean, and my dad hasn't asked the museum peoples yet. Hope he asks tomorrow.. The sooner, the better.

Also, haven't made a dent in my "songs to get" list
I got like 10 of the 150+ songs. progress.... >.>;;

Moving on to things that aren't sad, here's a small shitload of pictures for you guys:

B.A.P shirt came in the mail //flail
I rocked this shit for one and a half days *^* 

Not the shorts though >3>;;

 My senior year poetry notebook :I

Started this early cause I got a writing workshop to do this summer.
That means I'm busy on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 to 12.
Sorry chickies.

D.N.T out~

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