[Title based off of song by All Time Low. Does not have anything to do with the topic. o3o ]
Hello there my now-three-followers. :D How are you today? The reason I haven't made any in about a week or so is because one of you said I had posted enough for the month of March. Now I know that there is no such thing as too many posts, [unless you post multiple times EVERY SINGLE DAY! Because that really is just too much.. o.o ] Anywho, I've gotten back into my drawing habits, and am still failing.. But with the help of bases, I can draw yet again! :D [I'm too bad to draw my own bodies; I'm working on it, so don't look down on me just yet.] I'd love to show you all, but I'd rather not. So you guys can take a gander at it somewhere else. ^^
Next Topic. I am completely, 100% obsessed with the 90s T.V. show "Hey Arnold!" I was obsessed with it when I was little, and now that I've found it on youtube, I am amazed yet again at how awesome this show is to me. And now I am on a wild-goose chase to get the finale movie released out into the world somehow. It's hard, and I still haven't mailed that letter to Nickelodeon, but I need stamps! D: And nobody has stamps anymore. *cries* ;o;
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