Places to go...

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Digidigideom Digidigideom~

Yeah that's right, I'm a FAPPER BAPPER! B.A.P forever~
You dang right they Best.Absolute.Perfect! <33 Lovelovelove~

Go Sexy Moon Jong Up ♥
 Go Amber-looking Bang Yong Guk~
Go Adorable Zelo!

They was sooo hot in the Warrior music video. I almost died watching that. Watched it 3 times the night I first heard about it, watched it 5 times since then, and then watched it four more times last night. I'm addicted yo.

And it's not even their song.
(Well kinda)

It's mostly the HUUU!s and the masculinity and the deep voices and the amazing arms.. Ahhh, yeah, it's good stuff

They were all:

Twas sexy awesome beyond compare.

But yeah.. 
 That's all for now.


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