Places to go...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Intro to the Duck. :3

Yo! :o
How are you all? ^^ *waits for answer* that's good. :3
As you can tell, I am the type of person who loves emoticons. It's what I do! *cool face*
Moving on, I'd like to thank you for taking time from your life, to stop by and take a glance at my own. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
Anyways, I think it's time for me to tell you all some things about myself. ;o

Things that happen to me on a daily basis:

  • I trip on something, but don't fall. [this can happen in a chain, (trip on 2+ things in a row, and run into a wall), or i can just trip and stumble a whole bunch, (i trip over a bookbag strap, and stumble for about 5-7 feet]
  • I yawn like a bear. D: [multiple times in an hour period of time]
  • I like to write stories/novels, but have only finished one short story out of the hundreds of stories I've written[started]
  • I eat.. snacks.. and such.
  • I get easily tired from walking up stairs, even though I am super skinny. x3
  • I ... out of stuff about me..
  • I'll come back later.
  • Bye! *waves* ^^